Car insurance is not cheap but it offers you a level of financial protection that cannot be matched. If you are looking at dropping your car insurance and find another alternative then you may be disappointed to find no other product can match the full range of benefits as a car insurance policy. The fact is that comprehensive car insurance has no equal. Nevertheless there are alternative products that can make it more affordable for you to cover for your vehicle although it will not be as beneficial. Let us look at some products that you may want to consider.
Covering Third Party Liability
A comprehensive car insurance policy does not only cover your vehicle. It also covers the damage you may do to another person’s car in a road traffic accident. If the collision is your fault then you are liable for repairing the other person’s car. No matter how safe you plan to be on the road, accidents do happen and can happen to any person. Car insurance gives you the peace of mind that you will not be financially crippled by being held liable for repairs to another person’s vehicle.
Third party car insurance is cheap and may be the way to go. It is not an alternative to comprehensive car insurance but will give you peace of mind in knowing that the repairs to the other person’s car will be covered if the accident is your fault. However, repairs to your car will not be covered and you will have to pay for this yourself. Third party cover may also include public liability which will cover you if a pedestrian sues you should you have knocked them.
Protecting Your Car
While third party insurance may cover the other person’s car repairs, what about your vehicle? Unless you have comprehensive cover you will need to pay for your repairs out of your own pocket. These days a scratch and dent car insurance policy may be the better way to go. It is inexpensive and will repairs your cars for minor dents to the body that does not require full panel beating or replacement as well as scratches. Major panel beating will not be covered but you can always negotiate with reputable approved panel beaters for a cheaper cash rate.
When it comes to vehicle theft and other forms of loss to your vehicle, then you can opt for a basic car insurance policy. It is third party cover that includes an extra benefit of protecting your car in the event of loss. But repairs to your car is not covered. With both a basic car insurance and scratch and dent policy you can rest assured that your vehicle is protected to some degree while the damage to another person’s car is fully covered.
Before you give you change your insurance, stop and reassess the situation. No matter how many different car-related insurances you have, none will cover you as extensively as comprehensive car insurance. These days insurance is necessary and the higher the cover the more protected you are. But the higher the monthly cost as well. Try to reassess your budget first. You may be able to keep your current cover by trimming some of your other living expenses. Also look at pairing your car insurance with your home insurance policy. Motor vehicle and household insurance can work out cheaper than individual cover.