Approved Panel Beaters in South Africa

When it comes to claims for accident repairs, it is important to first speak to your car insurance company about their preferred panel beaters. In most instances approved panel beaters belong to specific associations which protects consumers and regulates the panel beating industry as a whole. One of these industry organisations is the South African Motor Body Repairer’s Association (SAMBRA).  Our list of approved panel beaters are members of SAMBRA.

The Car Auto Insurance website ( does its utmost to ensure the accuracy of details. However, we cannot be held responsible for changes in telephone numbers, membership status and discontinuation of business operations by the panel beaters on our list. We therefore advise our readers to consult with their car insurance company and use local resources like the South African Yellow Pages. Another umbrella organisation that may be of assistance is the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI).

Panel Beaters by Region