If you are looking at ways to save on car insurance premiums but still want some protection against the costs of damage to your vehicle then you should look at scratch and dent cover. It is not a car insurance policy as you know it. But it does help you fund the costs of taking care of minor damage to your car without having to claim from your car insurance cover. Even if you do have existing car insurance, scratch and dent cover can be the cost effective option for those minor dings without losing on your no claim bonus or paying from your own pocket.


Do you own the vehicle?

How does it work?

Scratch and dent cover is sometimes touted as one of the alternatives to traditional car insurance. But this is not true. Scratch and dent cover should be seen as an additional protection if you have existing car insurance. And if you do not have any car insurance, scratch and dent should be one of the essential covers that you have for your vehicle. When you opt for scratch and dent cover, you have the piece of mind in knowing that minor damage and repairs to the inside and outside of your car does not have to be paid for from your pocket.

Scratch and dent cover will pay for the repair and removal of damage or problems that arise after your cover takes effect. When you need to claim, you phone the call centre and specify the extent of the damage that you need to have repaired. There is no excess for a claim. Professionals specializing in minor repairs to the interior and exterior of your vehicle will then come to your place of work or even your home to carry out the repairs.


There are different scratch and dent policies on the market. These plans offer interior and exterior cover for repairs to the inside and outside of your car. Some scratch and dent plans also provide on-site auto care where the inside and outside of your car is thoroughly cleaned free of charge when the repairs are done to your car.

Exterior Cover

The exterior benefit of your scratch and dent cover will pay for the repair and removal of :

  • Windscreen cracks (not replacement).
  • Scratches and stone chips to the body work.
  • “Pulling” out dents without any painting.
  • Removal of tar from the body of your car.

Interior Cover

The interior benefit of scratch and dent cover will undertake the :

  • Removal of odours from inside your car.
  • Treatment of your air conditioning unit.
  • Renewal of headlights.
  • Protective guarding of cloth seats or leather treatment for leather seats.

Costs and Prices

Scratch and dent cover is very cheap when compared to car insurance. The cost starts from R100 to R150 per month depending on the make and model of your vehicle. Prices may vary from one provider to another. The price of scratch and dent cover is minimal but consider the fact that a crack to your windscreen can cost from R300 to repair or dent removal may set your back about R500 for just one fender.What about a thorough auto valet and steam cleaning when somebody vomits inside your car? That can cost you R200 upwards.

With the high road traffic accident rate in South Africa, there is no denying that your car will sustain minor damage at some point or the other even if you do not have a major accident. A runaway shopping trolley at the mall car park or a careless driver parking next to you and dinging your door can set you back a couple of hundreds, if not thousands, of rands for just minor damage. Scratch and dent cover will pay for these minor repairs.

The biggest advantage though is that you do not have to claim from your car insurance for these minor repairs. This means you will not lose your no claim bonus. It will not cause your car insurance premiums to increase. And you will not have to pay out of your pocket. Even if you are a student driving a 20 year old clunker, scratch and dent will keep your ol’ faithful in pristine condition when incidents arise.